How We Can Feel...

December 6, 2016

The Literary Autistic Perspective

October 30, 2016

Autism and fiction aren’t commonly mentioned in the same sentence. It took me some time to realize that there seems these days to be fewer fiction writers in the world who are considered to be on the spectrum.

In the past we’ve seen brilliant writers like James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, Hans Christian Andersen, Emily Dickinson, Emily Bronte, Janet Frame, and Lewis Carroll described as exhibiting forms of autism. However, they are only described this way in our curren...
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October 27, 2016

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Gypsy Proverb...

January 12, 2016

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August 8, 2015

A Neolithic Man
- a sketch I did of an ancestor who means business!

We are in the midst of a powerful revolution that is taking place in the otherworld as many ancestors from earlier eras begin to advance in their desire to be heard. When I say 'advance', I mean they are moving towards the mortal world in vast numbers, much more so than they normally would. And when I say 'ancestors' I do not refer to parental and grandparental generations that are immediately behind you. These are ancestors w...
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WE BORROW now available in paperback!

July 2, 2015
Now you can buy copies for your friends as WE BORROW THE EARTH is now in paperback form! Order your copies from Amazon worldwide.

Follow this link for Amazon UK. Available from Amazon in other parts of the world too.

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THROUGH FOREST MIST, Book 2 of The Long Reflection...

November 4, 2014
Now available from Amazon Kindle

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The spirits are coming...

October 22, 2014

Spirits are traditionally mischievous, daunting, alluring, mesmerizing, and sometimes plain destructive. Beware the spirits of the old forests and rivers. They could be out to get you! Picture courtesy Zena Holloway underwater photography.

Expereince the old spirits in THROUGH FOREST MIST, out October 31 2014!

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THROUGH FOREST MIST publication date!

September 11, 2014
The publication date for THROUGH FOREST MIST is Oct 31 2014! Huzzah. Note it in your diary.

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Horki - the beautiful Gypsy returns in THROUGH FOREST MIST!

September 5, 2014

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About Me

Patrick Jasper Lee Here I am often on the telephone connecting this world to the otherworld. Here are my observations, reflections & dreams about the way it all is.

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