W O R K S H O P S / S E M I N A R S / R E T R E A T S/ E V E N T S 


Join me for my next exciting open workshop, scroll down. All workshops draw from authentic sources, covering aspects of shamanic interaction, animism, and otherworldly education. These themed workshops are open to all.

Authentic quotes from participants on PJLee's workshops:

"One of the reasons I was attracted to your work & workshop was how simple and straightforward it is: the no-fuss no-ceremonies culture." EB

"Just wanted to say how grateful I am for the weekend and how you shared with us. It was really wonderful and delightful." KM

"I'm so glad to have found an approach drawn from what early culture is really all about." BR 

"I never realized how detailed the Rom culture was. Thanks for such a lovely weekend." CC 

"The last workshop with you was pivotal to my life, Jasper. I'm in deep gratitude. Thank you from the bottom of my heart." SS

Contact me for info & booking details. Take advantage of the early-bird fee! You will be most warmly welcomed! 

Find the Shamanic Counselling Course here

Next Open Workshop - Romani Gypsy Enlightenment & Awakening - March 29th/30th '25.


These programmes, open to all, are structured for today's minds with ancient minds as a focus. 

Jasper will take you through a unique programme of self-transformation comprising the following:

ancestral & otherworld communications * the art of Primary Organic Thinking * how to relate to and access natural-world values * how to read/use omens * ancient animism * understanding healing in its ancient context * intuitive/psychic skills * community v individualism * true meaning of shamanic interaction * trance/hypnotic states, including ecstatic dance * woodland folk & folktales/inheriting folktale characters* the ancient shadow world * the role of Destiny * the soul and emotion * otherworld portals * surviving consumerist culture * recovering ancient principles for everyday living * respecting ancient culture & understanding cultural appropriation * the necessity for creativity and expression * the mind/body/spirit industry and its effects * preserving mental/emotional health * how to love without sacrificing one’s soul * how to protect yourself * and more...  Personal sessions available for workshop participants.

How do we reach our earlier ancestors, and use what they had to live our lives in a more fulfilling way? We are all suffering with the effects of the modern world and generations past. In these workshops we explore ancient traditions, rituals, skills & personal abilities, learning how to practice an ancient craft in an original and respectful way.

Note - Workshop attendance will contribute to the new Shamanic Counselling Course, which focuses on authentic shamanic & animistic culture of earlier Indo-European hunter-gatherers, drawn from the Rom Gypsy culture. See SCC page.

Note also - these themed open workshops carry a sizeable discount for SCC students. 


Request newsletter for workshops and courses happening across the UK/online here....