Readers' comments from fans around the world
Thank you for the work you do. DJ
A skilled writer of some intricate pagan themes in both fiction and non-fiction - JD
"We Borrow the Earth" will always be my favourite book - TS
All your books - wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Please don't stop - MK
"Around Dark Fires" set me alight. Your books are a breath of fresh air for the culture you talk about - BG
Wonderful book - and books. You need to start with the first one and read all three in the series of The Long Reflection. Till Jasper writes the next one, can't wait - GA
I'm enjoying this series (The Long Reflection), and "Around Dark Fires". These books just get better and better - CL
"Through Forest Mist" is a beautiful book - KM
I have put off doing Kindle period until these books because to me they are WAY worth it! Reviews to come! I'm blown away at how much I identify with these books! - SKS
You are an extraordinary writer Jasper. Whether fact or fiction, it all makes such sense. You say things others just don't, or can't, say. Thank you so much - BU
I'm reading "We Borrow the Earth" right now and I come alive while I'm reading it xxx - FP
"Beyond a Near Water" is an extremely unusual and cleverly written book. Wonderful to hear that there is a whole series of books in "The Long Reflection" series to follow. Looking forward - RT
I am reading "Coming Home to the Trees", and LOVING it - speaks to the soul. This is a much-needed book for today's world! Awesome! DK
Your words really cheered me up this morning and I have a good focus for the day. I am so delighted to hear that you are still writing because I could drink your words. We are all so thirsty for Earth's wisdom now. Thank you for your work in communicating what is needed - CC
Beyond a Near Water is a brilliant book, one of the best I've read - RJ
I've read "Beyond a Near Water" and now "Through Forest Mist." Both thought provoking & mystical! Love them! DC
Patrick Jasper Lee, you make me so proud - SP
Your writing is fabulous xx - SD
This is storytelling at its best. You are a great writer, without effort - LL
Many are artists but not all are Gypsies, many are Gypsies but not all are artistic. You are blessed twice. Thank you, Jasper. Thank you for letting me know I am not alone! Thank you for lighting the way! - AMH
Deep gratitude for your writing, Jasper. I'm enjoying reading We Borrow the Earth at the moment and the discovery of my Romani ancestry. What was once lost is now glowing in the embers of respect and dignity. In the flashes of many 'aha' moments I'm coming to an understanding that my lifelong interest in nature, ritual, mediumship, and earth religions is part of my DNA. I can also appreciate the legacy that makes me highly functional and resilient living on life's margins. Thank you - FRR
I am presently reading your book on kindle and enjoying it so much - RO
In essence the book draws you in, bit by bit, describing your family, Jasper, your roots, your upbringing and in doing so, provides a great deal of information about a culture hidden from 'western' eyes for hundreds of years. I did not just find it fascinating because of the content but also because of the lyrical way you write. Your writing transports you to other worlds, both literally and metaphorically - BR
If only all writers could write like you. You are the only writer of your kind. I am always eager for another book to fall into my hands whenever one becomes available. I am ever grateful for your work - CB
Having patterned so much of our family life on the 'code' of the 'Gypsies' (leaving behind 'hippies' for their lack of one), I was so chuffed to find We Borrow the Earth and to know you are out there still talking about these old ways. Thank you from the depths of my heart for sharing and I await the next book in eager anticipation. Your book is our 'bible' and We Borrow the Earth is our 'new testament'. Greatly full - KH
When I read your book years ago I thought it was the most beautiful, sensitive and brave book I had ever read - CW
There is no other writer who can say it all so well. Please never stop - RT
Love your writing. Love your books. Love you - CAS