Browsing Archive: February, 2014

Spare Shon a few thoughts during the full moon on this Valentine's Day.

Posted by Jasper Lee on Friday, February 14, 2014, In : Romani Gypsy 

A full moon on Valentine’s Day! Romance in the air! Is this an auspicious omen?

For some of us, yes, for others, no! Shon has all the power if she is full. When she whispers into Kam's ear, she will influence him. Queen of romance, queen of dreams, queen of emotion - which includes water! She is powerful at the moment. When the moon is full there are changes in the air, for the immortals in heaven, and for the mortals here on earth. Expect a change after this full moon!


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Patrick Jasper Lee Here I am often on the telephone connecting this world to the otherworld. Here are my observations, reflections & dreams about the way it all is.

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