This certificated course is designed for those who wish to study ancient shamanic interaction, either for their own personal interests, or in their counselling/therapeutic work with others. It is likely the only course of its kind in the world!
Please note, students need to attend an open workshop with me first in order to qualify for this course. Choose a workshop from the workshop page. Contact me.
The SCC takes place annually. 2025 is now closed, the next scheduled to begin Nov 25, with home-study and 4 wknd tutorials spread across 2026. Dates/details for this year are below.
For those who wish to join this course who live outside the UK, a condensed certificated version will now be available, and you can enrol for Nov '25 to take the course that runs through 2026. Please contact me.

Shamanic Interaction - a mindset!
The programme focuses on an education in how we may draw inspiration from animistic natural-world values when liaising with otherworld forces, as ancestors of long ago used to do.
The hunter-gatherer mentality is not purely about hunting and gathering, just as shamanism is not purely about the self. All is an animistic mindset, once integral to Earth's laws, and now largely lost or forgotten. Through studies, practical exercises, and role-play, we will be travelling back to that mindset, where awareness of tribal theft & cultural misappropriation will be recognised as being detrimental to any natural shamanic progress.

We will be relating to aspects of the ancient or prehistoric Western mind which many will be unlikely to have experienced before. But it was there, large as life, in prehistory, and we can all still access that same mindset - if we are determined enough to find it and if we are adventurous and courageous enough to explore what it takes to find it. The ancient spark can be brought back to life again, so I am looking for sincere, dedicated, open-minded people who are excited to embark on such a journey.

Shamanic Counselling Course Year 1 - Foundation Year
The course runs over a foundation year, comprising just four weekend tutorials, one per season. This structure assists financial affordability. Discounts do exist for anyone wishing to pay for a couple of sessions at a time. The programme includes text and videos that precede each wknd tutorial. There will be opportunities to learn/assist with teaching these educational processes and methods, using what you have, which take place in Year 2. In addition, accompanying workshops, or retreats, relating to specific modules will be available.
Accompanying (*SCC) workshops/retreats
Throughout the year these will be open to all people everywhere. Code *SCC will be given somewhere on the flyers as this will include a reduction for SCC students. These workshops may be especially important for anyone hoping to develop something they wish to practise in daily life. Those keen to move on to Year 2, and who wish to acquire the certificate, will benefit from attending these accompanying workshops or retreats. The advice is to attend if you can, for although some of these programmes may be repeated in other parts of the country, it is not always a certainty that they will be.
All studies on the Shamanic Counselling Course will include the following:
shamanic interaction * ancient animism * dramatic & theatrical healing rituals * dreamstate/trancestate v dissociation * spirit families * otherworld psychology * ancestral/spirit communications * importance of rhythm, music & artsfor health *omens * parallel universes * individualist v community mindset * linear v cyclical mindset * seasonal values * Primary Organic Thinking * prehistoric mental imagery in relation to the ancient Butsi as a constructive therapeutic tool * Butsi techniques, and more...
Shamanic Counselling Course Year 2 - Advanced Year
If studying for your own self-interest, there is no requirement to move on to the Advanced Year (Yr 2) of the course, but both years will help you with your own transformation.
While in Yr 1, students can decide to specialise in something, such as Butsi counselling, or using shamanic interaction within the arts and crafts, or within a recognised alternative practice as a therapist. A similar structure that is in Year 1will also apply to Year 2, except students will be given some practical experience by working alongside students who are in their first year. At the end of Yr 2, students receive a certificate, see below.

Videos are also used throughout the course for all students, where applicable.
Course Homework
Homework for both Yrs 1 & 2, will involve exercises and some written work, so that it is clear that you understand the nature of this way of thinking. Year 2 will include this, plus working with some practice clients on Butsi sessions.
The PJ Lee Shamanic Counselling List and Certificate
I will be keeping a list of shamanic counsellors who have trained with me, following the completion of both Yrs 1 & 2. A certificate will be awarded on completion of Yr 2, and clients will be able to check the list to establish a shamanic counsellor's authenticity as being trained to use these specific methods.
Suitability for the course/discontinuing the course
If it is considered that the course is unsuitable for a student's needs, I will advise a discontinuance of the programme. Similarly, if a student feels the programme isn't working for them personally, they can leave at any time. Please understand that no refunds can be given in either case.
All weekend workshop tutorials will take place at the Hermon Community Resource Centre, South Wales. Home study plus a practical tutorial workshop will complete your module.
Only Shamanic Counselling Course students can attend these tutorials, but *SCC related weekends and events are open to all.
Remember that the whole of Year 1 runs over the course of a year, so you will be able to save, book your wknd tutorial, and pay for parts of your module as you go along. If you have trouble paying at any time, please contact me.
The first home-study material will be emailed out during November.
Home-study fee: £80. This is currently kept low to help with costs.
Tutorial Wkshp fee: £150/£140 earlybird fee, payable two weeks prior to start of a workshop. For bank details, please contact me. Note that two modules can be taken together if attending from outside the UK, so you will only have to make two visits to the UK rather than four visits. Fee for specific country by arrangement. Students travelling from Scotland can also make just two visits if they choose.
Dates for wknd workshop tutorials through 2025 for those inside the UK:
Sat 22nd & Sun 23rd Feb '25 (SCC Module 1)
Sat 17th & Sun 18th May '25. (SCC Module 2)
Sat 23rd & Sun 24th August '25. (SCC Module 3)
Sat 15th & Sun 16th November '25 (SCC Module 4)
Approx 10-5pm Sat & 10-4pm Sun. Please ensure you attend all sessions.
Dates for tutorials for those outside the UK: USA, Aus, Canada, N Zealand and continental Europe. Includes Scotland:
Modules 1 & 2: Thurs 15th & Fri 16th May '25. (Module 1) + Sat 17th & Sun 18th May '25. (Module 2)
Modules 3 & 4: Thurs 13th & Fri 14th Nov '25. (Module 3) + Sat 15th & 16th November '25 (Module 4)
All tutorials w/shps run from 10-5pm Sat & 10-4pm Sun. Please ensure you attend all sessions.
Fees for those outside the UK will be arranged depending on which country you are in and which currency you use.
Structuring it in this way helps students from outside the UK to join with students inside the UK who are taking Modules 2 & 4 as dates show above. This helps everyone to come together.
If you have any questions, please just contact me.
refunds due to participant cancellation can only be made up to two weeks before the
arranged weekend. In the event of the weekend workshop being cancelled, full
refunds will be made to everyone, unless transfer to another suggested date is
Contact me if you wish, you can add your name to the list for the Shamanic Counselling Course. I will then let you know if you have been awarded a place.
Community, the Revolution, and a New Exciting Chapter!
This course will help you find the light of understanding in any cultural or spiritual journey you are taking. The course programme will be kept as simple as possible, and personal help will be available to each student all the way along, within each module.
I am often heard to say that we need a revolution in our thinking where cultural & spiritual matters are concerned. We have history to make! Your decision to take this course and to practise what you learn (if moving on to Yr 2), will help with this new chapter we need to bring in, and which we all have a duty to preserve. What we're now discovering of the ancient mind and the way our ancestors used to think are necessary elements to bring to all those studying elements of shamanism.
As an authentic Rom medicine man, I sincerely hope to develop a sound community from this course, so that we may move on together, inspiring each other within this education.

Moreover, for the future, I hope to re-establish traditional cultural and arts festivals that draw attention to this authentic ancient way of relating to our beloved Earth. People can find that a new education needn't be a difficult or impossible one, but an enjoyable, warm, and lively one. Letting go and, in fact, learning how to unlearn needn't be such a bad thing.
This project will change and grow as students come in, qualify, and we all move forward. Some, I am sure, will assist me in this work, and hopefully take it to heart as I have done, gleaned from my Romani Gypsy people.
So, I look forward to this exciting journey we are all on, which I'm sure will prove enlightening for everyone involved, however closely or remotely they choose to be involved with it.
Let's together show everyone what the ancient western mind is really made of, in its ancient context, and let's make our ancestors proud!
Know that my spirit will be with you.....