Showing Tag: "romani gypsy sky ravnos seven cards luck spades swords" (Show all posts)

THE ROMANI NUMBERS SERIES for Kamesko Bersh period

Posted by Jasper Lee on Sunday, December 1, 2013, In : Romani Gypsy 

SEVEN SPADES Affirmation – Have hope! Today we are looking at Seven Ravnos, from the unusual Romani Jal cards, which are all about Grandfather Sky, who is also linked to Spades and Swords. Ravnos technically means 'blue', but has also been used for the word 'sky'. He is one of the Greater Ancestors who guide and watch over us, together with Earth, Sun and Moon. The affirmation today is to make plans to knuckle down and work at something over the coming week without giving u...

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About Me

Patrick Jasper Lee Here I am often on the telephone connecting this world to the otherworld. Here are my observations, reflections & dreams about the way it all is.

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