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How We Can Feel...

Posted by Jasper Lee on Tuesday, December 6, 2016, In : creative writing 

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The Literary Autistic Perspective

Posted by Jasper Lee on Sunday, October 30, 2016, In : Autism 

Autism and fiction aren’t commonly mentioned in the same sentence. It took me some time to realize that there seems these days to be fewer fiction writers in the world who are considered to be on the spectrum.

In the past we’ve seen brilliant writers like James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, Hans Christian Andersen, Emily Dickinson, Emily Bronte, Janet Frame, and Lewis Carroll described as exhibiting forms of autism. However, they are only described this way in our curren...
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Posted by Jasper Lee on Thursday, October 27, 2016, In : Autism 

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Gypsy Proverb...

Posted by Jasper Lee on Tuesday, January 12, 2016, In : Romani Gypsy 

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Posted by Jasper Lee on Saturday, August 8, 2015, In : Romani Gypsy 

A Neolithic Man
- a sketch I did of an ancestor who means business!

We are in the midst of a powerful revolution that is taking place in the otherworld as many ancestors from earlier eras begin to advance in their desire to be heard. When I say 'advance', I mean they are moving towards the mortal world in vast numbers, much more so than they normally would. And when I say 'ancestors' I do not refer to parental and grandparental generations that are immediately behind you. These are ancestors w...
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WE BORROW now available in paperback!

Posted by Jasper Lee on Thursday, July 2, 2015, In : Romani Gypsy 
Now you can buy copies for your friends as WE BORROW THE EARTH is now in paperback form! Order your copies from Amazon worldwide.

Follow this link for Amazon UK. Available from Amazon in other parts of the world too.

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THROUGH FOREST MIST, Book 2 of The Long Reflection...

Posted by Jasper Lee on Tuesday, November 4, 2014, In : Romani Gypsy 
Now available from Amazon Kindle

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The spirits are coming...

Posted by Jasper Lee on Wednesday, October 22, 2014, In : Romani Gypsy 

Spirits are traditionally mischievous, daunting, alluring, mesmerizing, and sometimes plain destructive. Beware the spirits of the old forests and rivers. They could be out to get you! Picture courtesy Zena Holloway underwater photography.

Expereince the old spirits in THROUGH FOREST MIST, out October 31 2014!

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THROUGH FOREST MIST publication date!

Posted by Jasper Lee on Thursday, September 11, 2014, In : Romani Gypsy 
The publication date for THROUGH FOREST MIST is Oct 31 2014! Huzzah. Note it in your diary.

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Horki - the beautiful Gypsy returns in THROUGH FOREST MIST!

Posted by Jasper Lee on Friday, September 5, 2014, In : Romani Gypsy 

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Posted by Jasper Lee on Friday, August 15, 2014, In : Romani Gypsy 

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Posted by Jasper Lee on Wednesday, August 13, 2014, In : creative writing 
It's good to allow the creative juices to flow. Good for the soul. There may be some good opportunities coming along for anyone out there who is a writer/wants to write. My editor has told me she is keen to find people. It will be nice if the spirit of destiny can come knocking at your door!

OK all you budding writers and poets out there. What would you say this picture inspires you to say? Anyone who can send me a description, feeling, notion of what could be happening in this rather ...

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Posted by Jasper Lee on Saturday, July 5, 2014, In : Romani Gypsy 

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Posted by Jasper Lee on Friday, June 27, 2014, In : Romani Gypsy 
Yag, our beloved spirit of fire is a healer of all things. If you feel a little low or unwell, allow this message to lift and inspire you.

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COMING HOME TO THE TREES by Patrick Jasper Lee is now available!

Posted by Jasper Lee on Thursday, June 19, 2014, In : Romani Gypsy 
IT'S NOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON KINDLE! If you purchase a copy to read, please leave a review with Amazon, or visit me on Facebook or Twitter to comment. Enjoy!

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Posted by Jasper Lee on Monday, June 9, 2014, In : Romani Gypsy 
I talk a lot about the magic of doorways in the new book COMING HOME TO THE TREES. We don't realise how much we stir up a whole load of magic when we're walking through doorways all day long in our modern society!

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Posted by Jasper Lee on Friday, May 30, 2014, In : Romani Gypsy 
Just three weeks to go till COMING HOME TO THE TREES is published! Not long now to wait. Here's some food for thought!

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Posted by Jasper Lee on Sunday, May 25, 2014, In : Romani Gypsy 

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Posted by Jasper Lee on Thursday, May 22, 2014, In : Romani Gypsy 
Our brothers and sisters, the Horse People have been worshipped and honoured in so many ancient cultures. In my opinion we should all still do that.

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Posted by Jasper Lee on Friday, May 16, 2014, In : Romani Gypsy 
Don't play with fire; honour him! Yag is in everything we use and do in everyday life. He cooks our food (from our cookers), warms us (in our heating systems). He's in our blood when we become passionately involved with things in our lives. Honour Yag, our beloved spirit of fire!

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Posted by Jasper Lee on Thursday, May 8, 2014, In : Romani Gypsy 
With just six weeks to go till publication date COMING HOME TO THE TREES: Travelling with the Gypsy Spirit of the Past is looming up very fast. Here's a little snippet from the book.....

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Posted by Jasper Lee on Saturday, May 3, 2014, In : Romani Gypsy 
Books 2 & 3 of THE LONG REFLECTION on their way for late 2014: a wealth of Gypsy folklore and myth, following COMING HOME TO THE TREES, June 20 2014.

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Posted by Jasper Lee on Friday, May 2, 2014, In : Romani Gypsy 
Discover what the Gypsy really is and what our culture is all about my e-book, available from Amazon Kindle on June 20 2014. COMING HOME TO THE TREES: Travelling with the Gypsy Spirit of the Past. 

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Posted by Jasper Lee on Friday, April 25, 2014, In : Romani Gypsy 
Someone said to me, write with fire and your readers will read your books with fire. Bring the fiery passion of Yag into everything you do and you'll see results!

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Posted by Jasper Lee on Thursday, April 17, 2014, In : Romani Gypsy 

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Posted by Jasper Lee on Wednesday, April 9, 2014, In : Romani Gypsy 

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Posted by Jasper Lee on Tuesday, April 8, 2014, In : Romani Gypsy 
My book's title and publication date is being released very soon. Watch for news!

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Posted by Jasper Lee on Friday, April 4, 2014, In : Romani Gypsy 
Let's remember Yag, the spirit of fire, and how much he helps us to express ourselves artistically, with passion, courage, strength and humour. He is an essential spirit, connecting us with Kam, the spirit of the sun. Without fire in your life, your passion is considerably dulled. 

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Posted by Jasper Lee on Tuesday, March 25, 2014, In : Romani Gypsy 
We can't be reminded too many times of the meaning of this old saying. You can only ever start out from where you left off! But the good news is that you can start out better, or with a renewed and positive attitude. A good thought for the day I reckon!

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Posted by Jasper Lee on Friday, March 21, 2014, In : Romani Gypsy 
My next book, due out soon, is going to take us home to the trees where the nomadic Gypsy found so much of the natural world and otherworld that could sustain him. The Romani Gypsies were a natural part of the woodlands, guardians of them, speakers of the wild and free language that sang in woodlands all over the world!

Watch this space for news of title and publication date of the follow-up to WE BORROW THE EARTH!

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Spare Shon a few thoughts during the full moon on this Valentine's Day.

Posted by Jasper Lee on Friday, February 14, 2014, In : Romani Gypsy 

A full moon on Valentine’s Day! Romance in the air! Is this an auspicious omen?

For some of us, yes, for others, no! Shon has all the power if she is full. When she whispers into Kam's ear, she will influence him. Queen of romance, queen of dreams, queen of emotion - which includes water! She is powerful at the moment. When the moon is full there are changes in the air, for the immortals in heaven, and for the mortals here on earth. Expect a change after this full moon!


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TANGLED DREAMS: Our Need for the Otherworld and the Romani Shaman

Posted by Jasper Lee on Tuesday, January 21, 2014, In : Romani Gypsy 

‘We live within the knots of our tangled dreams, rarely emerging

 from the depths we painstakingly create for ourselves.’

Patrick Jasper Lee, Romani Gypsy Chovihano and author.

In the accompanying photograph I am performing a shamanic healing ritual at The Goddess Show in Brighton, which took place around five years ago. It was a public affair, and although you can’t see them, there was quite a large audience watching the ritual up on the stage. The p...

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Posted by Jasper Lee on Tuesday, January 14, 2014, In : Romani Gypsy 

'Follow the stream into the wood,' said the Gypsy Chovihano. 'There I will tell your fortune if you cross my palm with silver. You will need to find me first, and that will be your challenge. But if you follow the lighted path, lit by the otherworld, ancient dreams and the Spirit of Destiny, there I will be, waiting to tell you the story of your year. Shall you dare to come? You will be blessed by the spirits of old and your own Destiny if you can only find me.'

YEARLY READINGS up to the end o...
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Posted by Jasper Lee on Thursday, January 9, 2014, In : Romani Gypsy 

How beautiful the dancing stars! - '... my father explained that in his vision there was a sheet of pure blue silk and it was being stretched out across the earth by invisible spirit hands. Sometimes this sheet was smooth, other times silver coins were being tossed upon it like a great many dancing stars. He said that when it was being shaken by all those unseen hands, billowing and ballooning so beautifully, he couldn’t take his eyes off it. He knew we would all somehow have to fall upon i...
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Posted by Jasper Lee on Sunday, January 5, 2014, In : Romani Gypsy 

Through the narrow slits I saw the shape of a woman forming, the same woman I had seen in the water. I was seeing her more clearly this time. She was extremely beautiful, with big dark smiling eyes, and was covered in colourful veils and coins. I knew she was a spirit because I could see right through her ...

THROUGH FOREST MIST 2nd in the trilogy coming soon!
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THE MULESKO DUDE - Will o the wisp of the woodlands.

Posted by Jasper Lee on Monday, December 30, 2013, In : Romani Gypsy 

‘Take care, tikni,’ said the old Chovihano, ‘the Mulesko Dude (will o the wisp) may be watching you, for we are still within that seam that sits between the old year and the new. Kam, the spirit of the sun, is yet just a baby, and the veil between this world and the next thins and beckons, like a veil floating unnoticeably all around you.

Should your spirit remain strong, however, you may not become enchanted by the lights that hover over marshes, those which haunt the woodlands at this...

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THE OLD GYPSY GHOST, a ghost story for the Yuletide fire, by Patrick Jasper Lee

Posted by Jasper Lee on Tuesday, December 24, 2013, In : Romani Gypsy 

There was a large wood in a beautiful part of the land. And there were two ghosts: one who haunted the first section of the wood where the cars parked, and another who haunted the second section of the wood where the river ran.

And there was also a ghost who was called the Old Gypsy Ghost, who haunted the whole wood.

When the first ghost who haunted the first section of the wood jumped out on people, they did not react. No matter how much noise this ghost made, how much lit...

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A special review on the new version of WE BORROW THE EARTH, and a lot of thoughts!

Posted by Jasper Lee on Sunday, December 15, 2013, In : Romani Gypsy 

Reviews are a heartfelt statement, at least to me, because the words reach other levels...

'... W
hen I learned that he [PJLee] had rewritten some parts [of We Borrow] and also added to it, I knew that I just had to have it.'

'I did not just find it [We Borrow] fascinating because of the content but also because of the lyrical way Jasper writes. His writing transports you to other worlds, both literally and metaphorically.'

'Dare to read this book [We Borrow] and understand what an intricate, edu...

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BOKT: a Romani Peek at Friday 13! How does it affect you?

Posted by Jasper Lee on Friday, December 13, 2013, In : Romani Gypsy 

(luck) is on the menu again! The apparently unlucky Friday thirteenth phobia has been called friggatriskaidekaphobia (Frigg being the name of the Norse goddess for whom Friday is named, and in English and triskaidekaphobia meaning fear of the number thirteen), or paraskevidekatriaphobia (Greek) – at least according to Wiki. Don’t try to say them all at once! But let’s take a Romani Gypsy look at this interesting date.

Friday thirteenth wasn’t considered to be a popular unlucky d...

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THE ROMANI NUMBERS SERIES for the Kamesko Bersh period.

Posted by Jasper Lee on Thursday, December 12, 2013, In : Romani Gypsy 

The Eight is an excellent number. It symbolises harmonious rapid movement, and in the Eight Wands we are moving through the air over water. This symbolises that things may happen quickly in association with travel of some kind. The goal you have been seeking is near. As we are focusing on the Kamesko Bersh period at the moment and Midwinter, we need to remember to allow the old to disappear as we prepare to take on the new. We don’t want to incorporate old feelings into the...

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Kushti Divvus!

Posted by Jasper Lee on Wednesday, December 11, 2013, In : Romani Gypsy 

Kushti Divvus all! This means 'good day'. Here's a pic of me outside mi vardo. Hope you will all continue to join the fight to preserve, enjoy and promote the Romani Gypsy culture, folklore, and myth in its authentic way. Courses and programmes are being planned for the new year, and will be advertised here in January. The new book's arrival date in spring will be announced soon. In the meantime, please continue to pass along details of this website: we mustn't lose the nomadic gypsy culture ...

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Posted by Jasper Lee on Monday, December 9, 2013, In : Romani Gypsy 

Don’t underestimate Number Eight, whenever you meet it. Here are some interesting facts about this fascinating number, mostly according to Wiki.

The spider has 8 legs.
Orb-weaver spiders have eight eyes.
The octopus has 8 arms (tentacles).
Honeybees perform a ‘waggle dance’: a figure eight series of movements that a scouting honey bee makes on its return to the hive. 
Eight is the number of wealth and abundance in Hinduism.
Eight is extremely lucky in China (because it soun...

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LOCOLLICO'S LOWERWORLD SUPERSTORE: how supermarkets are spreading to the Lowerworld!

Posted by Jasper Lee on Saturday, December 7, 2013, In : Romani Gypsy 

Must be sung with a high, squeaky, slightly gritty voice!

Come, human, come, won't you step inside with me?
Come, human, come; there's 'buy one get one free'.
If you hear the Chovihano, and his screams to stay away,
You won't need to listen. What does he know anyway?
Come, human, come. Our superstore is here!
Come, human, come. Doors open thru the year!
Trust the Bitee Fokee, and our products on the shelves,
You can trust our friendly staff: Keshali, Dwarves and Elves.
Come, human, come, won't you ste...

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THE ROMANI NUMBERS SERIES for Kamesko Bersh period

Posted by Jasper Lee on Thursday, December 5, 2013, In : Romani Gypsy 

Today's affirmation - Never underestimate the power of magic in these modern times. Just because we live in a modern age doesn't stop magic and destiny walking with us, as they've always done., If Number Seven appears in your path, no matter what form it takes, it will be giving you a message about what's happening in your life. ‘Your magic is strong. You are clever and brave and powerful. And you are a star from up in the sky,' says the beautiful Horki to the wise Iuzio, her ancestor. From...

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THE ROMANI NUMBERS SERIES for Kamesko Bersh period

Posted by Jasper Lee on Wednesday, December 4, 2013, In : Romani Gypsy 

The Number Seven encompasses everything if we are talking about luck: from saying something seven times to peg-making!

'... The presence of the number seven is also significant, seven being the magical number often associated with clever lies or tricks which can aid in bringing luck, as in the Bari Hukni, when the gypsies professed to be wandering Europe as Christian penitents for seven years! As mentioned before, the number seven would be more important than the fact that the storyteller is c...
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Posted by Jasper Lee on Tuesday, December 3, 2013, In : Romani Gypsy 

We sometimes talk about magical protection in the Romani culture. If any people know about this the Banjara Gypsies do. Some of the excessively heavy jewellery, sometimes complete with bells, mirrors, silver, gold and colour is designed to ward off evil spirits and bad vibes. The theory is, if it jingles or blinds everyone, bad spirits and shadows won't get a look in. And quite right too! I've been writing about the ins and outs of this today in the forthcoming book, out in spring: how we can...

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THE ROMANI NUMBERS SERIES for Kamesko Bersh period

Posted by Jasper Lee on Tuesday, December 3, 2013, In : Romani Gypsy 

The Rider Waite Seven Swords runs parallel to Seven Spades and Seven Ravnos. Meanings vary slightly, but the emphasis is on trying to make good, so the affirmation today focuses on the thief, who is stealthily (or not so stealthily) making off with the swords. The 'thief' falls into many categories, and can be viewed in several ways, from telling us we may be taking someone for a ride to telling us we are being taken for a ride! It is perhaps time to reflect on how much we need and how much w...
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THE ROMANI NUMBERS SERIES for Kamesko Bersh period

Posted by Jasper Lee on Monday, December 2, 2013, In : Romani Gypsy 

SEVEN SPADES Affirmation for today. Here's 7 Ravnos from my card set. Pink and purple are associated with Ravnos the Grandfather Sky Spirit. He relates to swords and spades. Imagine a sky when it turns pink or purply on the horizon. Ravnos represents the highest and the best in spiritual terms and adventure in the most explorative and reasonable kind of way. You can fly high and achieve with Ravnos, or get completely lost and carried away, flying around like a feather in the wind. I've had to...
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THE ROMANI NUMBERS SERIES for Kamesko Bersh period

Posted by Jasper Lee on Sunday, December 1, 2013, In : Romani Gypsy 

SEVEN SPADES Affirmation – Have hope! Today we are looking at Seven Ravnos, from the unusual Romani Jal cards, which are all about Grandfather Sky, who is also linked to Spades and Swords. Ravnos technically means 'blue', but has also been used for the word 'sky'. He is one of the Greater Ancestors who guide and watch over us, together with Earth, Sun and Moon. The affirmation today is to make plans to knuckle down and work at something over the coming week without giving u...

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Posted by Jasper Lee on Saturday, November 30, 2013, In : Romani Gypsy 

Bokt, or luck, is most precious for the nomadic gypsy. We would often adorn ourselves with things like bells, mirrors, reds, golds, shells, feathers, and the number 7, once long ago. In fact, we used to absolutely smother ourselves with these things. Should we take this need for luck lightly? Or does luck have a real ancient and even a scientific foundation? 

Do not underestimate Number 7. It is the number of Destiny. It has the power to suddenly launch you into good and bad phases and lift yo...

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THE MAGIC AND INTEGRITY OF NUMBERS: free personal readings

Posted by Jasper Lee on Friday, November 29, 2013, In : Romani Gypsy 

Free personal readings in the traditional Romani Gypsy way covering the Kamesko Bersh (winter solstice period).

"I soon saw a vision in the water: a campfire, burning bright, and people sitting around it, breaking bok moro (luck bread; nomadic gypsy bread) together, and cooking zumi (nomadic gypsy broth, like an old-fashioned pottage) over a fire."

Never underestimate numbers and the way they appear in our daily lives. Remember that they are magical, and however they appear...

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Kalbelia Folk Songs, Dances and Ancient Traditions

Posted by Jasper Lee on Thursday, October 31, 2013, In : Romani Gypsy 

These nomadic peoples are educational, entertaining and very touching to watch. They symbolise much that nomadic peoples have lost, but also much that is being kept alive.

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Posted by Jasper Lee on Wednesday, October 23, 2013, In : Romani Gypsy 

Did you know that by studying and observing old traditions and simple omens, as people used to do in the past, you can help yourself find luck and success, and remain healthier? This is not a joke. If earlier traditions can once again begin to have a place in our society, it will give us some constructive and positive help, psychologically. What do I mean by that?

Traditions and rituals were practised by folk everywhere, all over the world, for thousands of years (yes, thousands, literally), a...

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Posted by Jasper Lee on Wednesday, October 16, 2013, In : reflections on life 
"What is fate but a lifelong reminder to learn tomorrow the thing that you forgot to learn yesterday?" PJLee.

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Posted by Jasper Lee on Sunday, September 22, 2013, In : reflections on life 
Most of the time it's all crap. But then there's a little glow of light on a leaf, and life pours back in...

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Find my Articles on The Art of Autism's Website!

Posted by Jasper Lee on Monday, September 9, 2013, In : Autism

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LIVING IN A GEOMETRIC UNIVERSE - On Being an Autistic Synaesthete

Posted by Jasper Lee on Friday, August 30, 2013, In : Autism 

Imagine living in a world where geometry dominates your life, where squares, circles and triangles form a mental language that you use every day because it provides you with clues about the people who surround you, and what goes on around you in the world. Imagine knowing that everyone and everything you meet throughout the day will be converted to a shape: someone’s hand, a passing bus, a bird in flight. The hand may become a square, the bus a triangle, the bird a circle, an...
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Posted by Jasper Lee on Thursday, August 15, 2013, In : romani gypsy aspie 
'Our homeland is beyond a great water. Our homeland will be found where we are able to fall off the edge of the land in the place where the sun sits down in the west.'

The forthcoming BEYOND A NEAR WATER, first in the trilogy THE LONG REFLECTION, contains two tales: HORKI'S TALE and RUSLO RUK'S TALE. Iuzio the Immortal begins the story of the journey taken by generations of nomadic Romani Gypsies across Asia on their search for their true homeland: the place where they belong, 'where the sun s...
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Posted by Jasper Lee on Thursday, July 25, 2013, In : romani gypsy aspie 
We Borrow the Earth and Patrick Jasper Lee are being republished! Ravine Press - thank you. It's been a tough ride for both of us, a journey through thirteen years since its first publication by Thorsons, to its latest publication by Ravine Press. 

The first time round my relationship with this book wasn't exactly a marriage made in heaven, even though I was overjoyed that I was being published. As a fiction writer, it was a challenge to write about my Romani gypsy culture - considering most o...

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Do Aspies See Too Much Rather Than Too Little?

Posted by Jasper Lee on Thursday, July 4, 2013, In : Autism 
I sometimes wonder if people on the spectrum see, feel, sense, and get to know more about others and their situations than is commonly believed. I have long had an ability to know exactly where people are coming from, which a geometric mental system I live with - affectionately called my 'signals' - informs me about. 

Technically, I am not supposed to know such things; as an aspie I am supposed to be lacking sufficient communication skills, with trouble in handling conversations. We see things...
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My Life

Posted by Jasper Lee on Wednesday, July 3, 2013, In : romani gypsy aspie 
A quote from We Borrow the Earth: an intimate portrait of the gypsy folk tradition and culture. It's been popular and has whizzed around the Facebook network. The Romani gypsy aspie is here to stay.

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Curse of the ISH

Posted by Jasper Lee on Thursday, March 14, 2013,

The ISH is out to get you. You know the phrase: 'We'll be back at 7.30pm-ish'. And the 7.30pm becomes 9pm. Boundaries get stretched beyond their normal limits, stretched where they shouldn’t normally go. Waiting, in the cold and the dark in the car for our 8-year-old son to be delivered back from a school outing, with no telephone call to say they're so late and no apology when they finally arrive. The curse of the ISH is upon us.

Thank goodness I'm writing about this str...

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All Rain and Wind

Posted by Jasper Lee on Saturday, September 17, 2011,
So today it's been rain and wind again, but not so much as before. I'd like to keep a diary here to help with writing and all the thoughts and reflections I have. I think that's a very good idea. I think it's an excellent idea. I think my ancestors would agree with that, collected in the hills around me as they are. What wonderful discoveries we can make when we live the natural life and think of the deeper past where nature was able to be herself. But aren't the rain and wind ancestors too? ...
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Autistic attention to detail! - is noticing the unnoticeable superfluous, or is it more important than we think?

Posted by Jasper Lee on Wednesday, August 3, 2011,

You tell your dog you’re taking him for a walk. Then you disappear for an hour to do something else, and when you return, you expect him to recognise that, like you, he thinks that no time has passed at all! You haven’t noticed that anything’s wrong, but you can bet your life your dog has!

Being autistic sometimes involves noticing what others don't notice. The smaller details often leap out at you while the bigger stuff gets left behind. And wile you're busy getting obsessed with pe...

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Never so blind...

Posted by Jasper Lee on Thursday, April 7, 2011,
We are never so blind as when we cannot see what is being said, never so deaf as when we can't hear what is being shown. As an autistic synaesthete I am able to pay attention to intricate, complex detail which otherwise goes unseen and unheard, except within those largely untouchable hidden regions which many NTs believe they can hide. Trust me. I will know where you are coming from. 
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Hidden Corners...

Posted by Jasper Lee on Wednesday, April 6, 2011,
Neurotypicals rarely look in the corners of their minds, hearts and souls. They sometimes can't even see the corners, where they can daily store pointless information. We aspies keep our corners clean and tidy and know exactly what fills them. That is what troubles us about life and makes us feel afraid: there are too many hidden corners in the NT world.
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I'm glad I have this disability ...

Posted by Jasper Lee on Monday, April 4, 2011,
"The world has a fast-growing problematic disability, which forges bonds in families, causes people to communicate in direct and clear ways, cuts down meaningless social interaction, pushes people to the limit with learning about themselves, whilst making them work together to make a better world. It’s called autism, and I can’t see anything wrong with it, can you? Boy I’m glad I also have this disability!" 








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About Me

Patrick Jasper Lee Here I am often on the telephone connecting this world to the otherworld. Here are my observations, reflections & dreams about the way it all is.

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